We make customized headwear and t-shirts, and we inspect every item again for quality and accuracy before it ships to you.

If there is a quality issue with your order, you may return it in new condition and in its original packaging for a prompt exchange for the same item, or immediate full refund. Understandably, customized items cannot be accepted for return, unless there is a manufacturing error or product defect. All refunds and exchanges must be made within 30 days of receipt.

We want your order to be made just the way you want it! We understand that everyone makes mistakes (including us!) Please review your everything on your order information before submitting your order. Check spelling, dates and names carefully. 

You are welcome to contact us here if you have questions about your logo before placing your order. Understandably, we are not able to accept cancellations or changes to orders once they are placed, as they are immediately sent into production.  NOTE:  Workshopcity.com also reserves the right to cancel your order at its discretion should the order be deemed inappropriate for language, content or material.